Friday, November 6, 2009

Quick update, nothing to show

Bad blogger I have been, but not a bad scrapper! I have done six pages since I last checked in, which is like a record for me! Some were done at the all-day crop I went to three weeks ago but some I just worked on in the evenings. It has been taking me two evenings on average to complete a layout so that could be 182.5 layouts in the next year... Yeah, right!

OK so I have done the pages but I have no proof since I keep forgetting to bring them into my office to scan them and my photographing attempts at home are awful. I'm out of town for the weekend so I will likely get no more pages done, so next week I will definitely scan at least one or two and have something for "show and tell."

Meanwhile, it's almost 5:00 on Friday and I need to finish up my actual real work so I can get out of here. Let the weekend begin!

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