Friday, June 14, 2013


So I'll say it again (yes, it's like Groundhogs Day -- have you ever seen the movie?) I have been creating but I haven't been blogging. We're attempting to finish our new house so we can finally move and I have huge work event and well there really is only so much time in the day. I guess I would rather make memories and capture them than detail my process.

Anyway, my husband's grandmother passed away two years ago yesterday. She really was a great woman -- smart, strong and opinionated, protective of her family and its traditions, but warm and welcoming. My husband saw this layout that I made of her and my daughter not too long before she died and kept asking to see it. So this one's for him.

The pink flowered and brown striped papers and the title stickers actually came from a kit, which I rarely buy. I believe it's Cloud 9 by Colorbok/Fiskars because that's what the stamps are. I looked at the flowered paper and thought, "That looks familiar!" and realized I had the coordinating stamps (Chocolate Chalet) so I used them to stamp the title block. I think it came out a little busy but it conveys the fun these two were having.

And here's another one also featuring my daughter and her great-grandma.

This one uses that brand of paper that Michaels sells, Reminisce I think (paisley), and a sheet from a new stack I just bought by My Minds Eye, Lime Twist. Yes I was supposed to be curtailing my craft purchases until after we move, but I just could not resist this stacks luscious colors and fun, versatile patterns! I was also happy to finally use the felt flower border that I've been hoarding in my stash for quite some time. I filled the flower centers in with tiny pearls and added larger pearls to the Prima flower centers.

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